Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wingnut News for Thursday.

"We're running out of rich people in this country."
There's more. She also appears to
be making stuff up about ACORN.
Bachmann: I mean, if you think, ACORN - this is a group that's under Federal indictment...
Baker: Unbelievable
Bachmann: ...for voter fraud. ACORN - they've received a total of $53 million in direct Federal Grants since 1994. Do you know how much they're getting under this (the stimulus) bill?
Baker: Like $4 billion, I've heard.
Bachmann: $5 Billion.
Baker? $5 billion?
Bachmann: For ACORN.

Utah State Sen. Compares Gays To Alcoholics, Terrorists: ‘They’re The Greatest Threat To America’
Yesterday, the Utah state legislature “
dealt a final blow” to the last of five gay rights bills taken up under the Common Ground Initiative, when it defeated a bill that would have granted gay couples rights of inheritance and medical decision-making. Monday, the state House rejected bills that would have allowed gay adoption and protected gays from housing and employment discrimination.

Tuesday night, Utah’s local ABC station received leaked portions of an interview with state senator Chris Buttars (R), which will be highlighted in an upcoming documentary on Proposition 8. Buttars is an outspoken opponent of gay rights; in the latest interview, he compares gays to alcoholics and Muslim terrorists, and warns that gay people are “probably the greatest threat to America.” Some excerpts from the interview:

– To me, homosexuality will always be a sexual perversion. And you say that around here now and everybody goes nuts! But I don’t care.

– They say, I’m born that way. There’s some truth to that, in that some people are born with an attraction to alcohol.

– They’re mean! They want to talk about being nice — they’re the meanest buggers I ever seen. It’s just like the Moslems. Moslems are good people and their religion is anti-war. But it’s been taken over by the radical side. And the gays are totally taken over by the radical side.

– I believe that you will destroy the foundation of American society, because I believe the cornerstone of it is a man and a woman, the family. … And I believe that they’re, internally, they’re probably the greatest threat to America going down I know of. Yep, the radical gay movement.

1 comment:

PrissyPatriot said...

Michelle Bachmann is koo-koo. Seriously, I've seen inmates when I worked in corrections with less "issues". She makes Sarah Palin look lucid.