Thursday, February 19, 2009

Louisiana Congressman Cao faces recall petition over stimulus vote.

Congressman Joseph “Anh”Cao, a Republican, who defeated William “Bill” Jefferson is facing a recall petition because of his vote on the Barack Obama stimulus package. The recall has been initiated by a group of ministers.

Cao had indicated that he would be voting in favor of the controversial legislation but instead voted against it.

Papers have been filed with the Office of the Louisiana Secretary of State which started the process requiring sufficient signatures to force a recall election for the office held by Representative Cao.

Cao represents a majority African American community many who were outraged by Cao’s vote. Cao made national news with his victory over Bill Jefferson
Read on.


airJackie said...

So far the Rev. has collected 19,000 signatures in 3 days as reported in the local newspapers. Lookis like Mr. Cao's days are numbered. The group has 180 days to get the total of 100,000 and they just might do it, if Gov. Jindel refuses the money.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Wow, taxpayers are very angry, if they would prefer Dollar Bill Freezer Jefferson.

airJackie said...

My dear Friend Mr. Kitty something didn't seem right from the beginning. First the money in the Freezer was like an old movie, I question by all these people lived in a house and went in the freezer and never saw that much money. I remember the Feds from the old days set up a Mafia member by putting the money in the freezer. Next why did Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert run up the hall to stop the raid? Now at first I thought it was to support Dollar Bill but then I learned other officials were protected by a law and Dennis didn't want that Law to change because he could have been next. Then the results showed the real story as a Republican got Dollar Bill's seat and that's always a good thing when it comes to votes.