Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wingnut News for Saturday.

Keyes: Stop 'commie' Obama or U.S. 'will cease to exist'

Glenn Beck scares Fox host into hiding under table

Fleischer: On Iraq, ‘Saddam was the big liar.’
In an interview set to air over the weekend on CNN’s D. L. Hughley Breaks the News, Ari Fleischer admits that the Bush administration was wrong to claim that Saddam Hussein had WMD in the lead up to the Iraq war, but still insists that Saddam was at fault for the war. “Saddam was the big liar here,” Fleischer concludes:

FLEISCHER: We were wrong about weapons of mass destruction being in Iraq. […]

HUGHLEY: When you found out that you were wrong, how did that make you feel?

FLEISCHER: You just scratch your head and say, “How could we be wrong?” It wasn’t just us that thought he had weapons of mass destruction. The Egyptians thought it, the French thought it, the Germans thought it the United Nations thought it, Bill Clinton’s CIA though it. We all thought it. Saddam was the big liar here.

Greta Van Susteren Falsely Claims Obama Has Only Visited States He Won: ‘It Looks Like A Reward’»
Thursday night, Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren aired an interview she conducted with former president Bill Clinton. Clinton praised Obama for taking his message about his recovery plan “out into the country,” but Van Susteren objected, saying Obama had visited only states he won. “He’s hit…Indiana, Ohio, Florida, Colorado,” she said, which have “recently become Democratic state.” “It looks like a reward,” she complained.

1 comment:

PrissyPatriot said...

Ari, former spokesliar for the lying prez...and Gretchen made an @ss of herself crawling under the table. So typical of anyone willing to spew for Faux news. Grow up and face reality, Gretchen, seems even Beck is-although I don't know what's gotten into him. LOL He's right, I got the white papers on domestic and global unrest caused by shortages about 2 years ago from the US Army war college.
He's telling old news and of course no one with a mind wants it to come about, but forewarned is forearmed.
Grow a Victory garden, my friends. Write Prissy should you need gardening/canning tips;)