Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gibbs to Santelli: R-E-A-D President's plan (VIDEO)

Looks like Gibbs had to play parent to Santelli in the press gaggle. Santelli sounded like a child on ADHD that forgot to take his meds. Maybe Santelli should take up Gibbs' offer for a cup of decaf coffee to read Obama's housing plan. For Gibbs' sake, I hope the coffee is from 7-11 store and not Starbucks since this country is on a tight budget.

Rick Santelli, the CNBC reporter who went into a certifiable rant against the Obama housing plan Thursday, found himself in the White House bullseye 24-hours later: the object of scorn and humorous derision from the president's press secretary Robert Gibbs.

"I'm not entirely sure where Mr. Santelli lives or in what house he lives," Gibbs said during the daily briefing. "But the American people are struggling every day to meet their mortgage, stay in their jobs, pay their bills to send their kids to school, and to hope that they don't get sick or somebody they care for gets sick that sends them into bankruptcy. I think we left a few months ago the adage that if it was good for a derivatives trader, that it was good for main street. I think the verdict is in on that."

Ouch. But from there it got almost more personal. Gibbs picked up a hard copy of the housing plan from the briefing room lectern and implored Santelli to "download it, hit print and begin to read it." Gibbs added: "I would be more than happy to have him come here and read it. I'd be happy to buy him a cup of coffee, decaf." The press in the room laughed.
Read on.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Gibbs lesson was not only for Mr. Santelli but for all those sitting in the Press room. The News Stations hired new people with lower pay and no experience as it shows with their questions. Gibbs remembered how he explained things to his little son and did the same for these guys. NBC should be embarrassed as they pay a salary to Santelli who knows nothing and spread fear and lies. He looked like a crazy man that should have been hauled off. But this is an example of all the Media Stations today. I like Gibbs he uses his words well. Now me I'd be still talking and smacking heads for stupid Journalist.