Saturday, February 14, 2009

Rahmbo: From now on, policy first, "bipartisanship" second

Obama team recognize that to keep your friends close and your enemies closer:
Mr. Emanuel owned up to one mistake: message. What he called the outside game slipped away from the White House last week, when the president and others stressed bipartisanship rather than job creation as they moved toward passing the measure. White House officials allowed an insatiable desire in Washington for bipartisanship to cloud the economic message a point coming clear in a study being conducted on what went wrong and what went right with the package, he said.

But, he said, Washington should have learned something about Mr. Obama as well, with the shift from bipartisan overtures to outright mockery of his opposition.

He has an open hand, Mr. Emanuel said. But he has a very firm handshake.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I give President Obama credit he did try which is more then Bush did for 8 years. But in a way it's better to deal with the people then the Republican Law Makers. Most Republican Law Makers get kick back money and their brought and paid for so they can't be cooperative. I loved Graham's statement. He's voting against the Stimulus Bill but he wants the money when it's passed.