Friday, February 13, 2009


The Senate is currently voting on final passage; so far they have 59 “Aye” votes out of 60 needed for the Stimulus Bill.

Update: The last vote needed could come from Sen. Brown (D-OH), he is expected to vote around 10:30pm[ET].

Update 2: (10:55 pm ET) The House and Senate passed H.R. 1, the $787 billion economic stimulus bill. It now moves to the President, where he is expected to sign it early in the week.

Update 3:

See Senate roll call vote. GOP Senators Snowe, Specter, and Collins who voted for the economic stimulus bill on the first round voted for the bill again in the second time around. Senator Gregg who withdrew his nomination for Commerce Secretary voted against the economic stimulus bill today. Gregg didn't cast his vote on the first round.

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