Sunday, February 22, 2009

Montana guv ribbed Palin for no-show to Washington Gov. weekend meeting.

ABC News:

Montana Democratic Gov. Brian Schweitzer ribbed Alaska Republican Gov.

Sarah Palin Friday for announcing at the last minute that she will not be attending a Sunday discussion of energy policy that the two governors were scheduled to lead at this weekend's meeting of the National Governors Association (NGA) in Washington.

"I don't know where she's going to be. You'll be stuck with me," Schweitzer told ABC News. "There will be no glamour, certainly no snappy dressing. I brought my best two pairs of jeans. There's a little bit of a horse s**t stain by the knee. But I've been washing that stuff out."

For weeks, the NGA's published agenda has touted the Palin-Schweitzer panel as hosting the 90-minute discussion with Wood and Berst.

Palin, however, did not publicly commit about attending the NGA conference.

Her office announced Thursday that her travel to western Alaska coupled with her work on budget amendments and "economic stimulus certification requirements" would prevent her from attending this weekend's NGA meeting, which includes not only the energy policy discussion but also a Sunday black tie dinner at the White House and a Monday governors-only meeting with President Barack Obama.

"I don’t have any party buying me clothes," said Schweitzer, referring to the more than $150,000 that the Republican Party shelled out for the Palin family's wardrobe last year. "My wife buys my clothes at Costco."

Read the whole story: ABC News

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Schweitzer will enjoy his spot as the lead person now that Sarah has bailed out yet again. Many don't realize Sarah's in big trouble and might not be around much loger as Govenor of Alaska. Sarah was busy shopping with RNC money and bringing out the Wing Nuts with racism now she's in a tuff situation of her own. Who's going to pay the Palin Family bills and support Bristol's two kids. Sarah did her best to get to President Obama but missed out and now it's on to plan B.