Sunday, February 22, 2009

GOP delegate wants apology for former Gov. Davis recall

But that is exactly what party delegate Alex Burrola is suggesting.

The resolution, underscoring some party activists' seething displeasure with "post-partisan" GOP Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, reads as follows:

"Whereas, in 2003 a grassroots effort was begun to recall then-Governor Gray Davis from office on grounds which included gross mismanagement of the budget and finances of the State of California;

"...Whereas, candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger campaigned as a reformer and champion of fiscal discipline and responsibility who would bring change and reform to government which it sorely needed;

"Whereas, in the subsequent years Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has instead proven to govern as a tax and spend politician precisely similar to the one he campaigned to replace in the recall election;

"Whereas, the trust and confidence of Republicans has been betrayed and shattered by Governor Schwarzenegger's repeated and ongoing efforts to collaborate with Democrats in the Legislature to seek solutions to the state's fiscal crisis by irresponsible borrowing and increasing taxes and refusal to make the needed reductions in state spending;

"Whereas, Governor Schwarzenegger's current budget solution includes more than $14 billion in higher taxes on sales, income, gasoline and the car tax which he specifically attacked Governor Davis for raising;

"Whereas, it is plain that Governor Schwarzenegger has abandoned the most basic tenets of Republican ideology and rendered the whole purpose of the 2003 recall pointless;

"Therefore, be it resolved that the California Republican Party officially extends a heartfelt and sincere apology to former Governor Gray Davis for its role in recalling him from office."
Read on

Reaction of Gray Davis to CA budget and tax hikes:

Davis says there are three big reforms in the works that will help California avoid budget gridlock like the one lawmakers just came through.

1. He supports non-political legislative district drawing.
2. A spending cap ballot initiative.
3. A ballot initiative that would provide a rainy day fund for the state treasury.

Davis predicts both reform measures will be approved by voters in a future statewide election.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Davis was pushed out by the GOP and Enron as Terminator was the GOP choice. Terminator knew nothing and continues to know nothing. He borrowed California into the bigger debt ever. Now even Republicans are sorry they removed an educated honest Govenor. I don't know what Davis really things but for 5 years the GOP have lied and the lies caught up with them. We can't have a do over and an apology wont correct the problem.