Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cantor creates rock music video boasting that zero Republicans voted for recovery package.


House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) has created a YouTube video set to the tune of Aerosmith’s “Back In The Saddle” boasting that zero Republicans voted for the recovery package. The video is called “The House GOP is Back.”


Anonymous said...

But how many GOPs voted for the last stimulus package(bailout, whatever you want to call it) under the Gerbil Administration?
And what help was the last stimulas package if another one had to be created?

airJackie said...

Eric Cantor showed who he really is with the tape he made against the Union. The language he used would give a drunken sailor red cheeks. Now he props himself up to be the Moral Value Family man yet so have others like Larry Craig and David Vitter. I wonder if Cantor got premission from Aerosmith to use their song? Cantor said after McCain/Palin lost he looks in the mirror and calls himself Mr. President. Cantor should be working on his re election as he's not doing well in his State of Virginia.

KittyBowTie1 said...

I wonder if Aerosmith is OK with that. If he did that with a Metallica song, they'd sue his ass.