Tuesday, February 17, 2009

DOJ replaces Stevens prosecution team.


Amid concerns over the integrity of their work, the Justice Department has removed the head of the Public Integrity Section and several other prosecutors from the Ted Stevens trial, according to court filings examined by The Politico.

Late last week, the judge in the case, Emmet Sullivan, ruled that four of the prosecutors, including William Welch, the Public Integrity chief, were in contempt of court for failing to turn over documents as he'd ordered them to do.
The documents at issue relate to allegations by an FBI agent in the case that another agent had an improper relationship with a key government witness, and that the prosecution concealed this from the defense.

Along with Welch, the lead prosecutor on the case, Brenda Morris, as well as several other prosecutors, are being ousted. They're being replaced by Paul O'Brien, chief of the Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section, David Jaffe, the deputy chief of the Domestic Security Section, and William Stuckwisch, senior trial attorney in the Fraud Section.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

For those who followed Libby's trial you might remember how Gonzo came in the case. Remember how Fitz gave Rove 24 hours to get his affairs in order after the indictment and the next morning Lusken said he was given a fax from Fitz that Rove wouldn't go to trial. Remember those sealed indictments which numbers come right after Libby's Docket numbers. The Attorney General and replace a Prosecutor and Holder did. Now Fitz wont say it but I will. Gonzo was ordered to stop the trial of Karl Rove and over ride Fitz. Time will tell if I'm right.

Stevens was found guily for jurors and it's hard for a Judge to overture that, he can only find evidence that could have shown the innocent of the defendent.