Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bubba hits GOP for automatically opposing Obama’s agenda.


On Sunday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said that President Obama is off to a bad start in part because Obama didn’t “sit down together” with Republicans (even though he did). Yesterday, CNN asked President Clinton to respond to McCain, and Clinton ripped the GOP as being simply “automatic” in its opposition to Obama’s agenda:

CLINTON: [T]here’s 100 economic studies which show that you get a better return in terms of economic growth on extending unemployment benefits or investing money in energy conservation jobs to improve buildings than you do giving people in my income group a tax cut. But it doesn’t stop them. Those guys are on automatic. You punch a button and they give the answer they give you.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Brother Bill knows the snakes and knows them well. Bill knows Obama has the best to protect him in Rambo aka Rahm and now I know why the GOP went crazy when Obama picked him. Now if I'm sent to War I want Rahm as my fellow soldier then I know I'm safe.