Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dead eyed Dick angry over Bush's refusal to pardon Libby.

The New York Daily News reports that aides to Dick Cheney are saying he's really angry that Bush wouldn't give Scooter Libby a full pardon and kept the pressure on Bush until the last minute.
After repeatedly telling Cheney his mind was made up, Bush became so exasperated with Cheney's persistence he told aides he didn't want to discuss the matter any further. The unsuccessful full-court press left Cheney bitter. "He's furious with Bush," a Cheney source told The News. "He's really angry about it and decided he's going to say what he believes."


Anonymous said...

With all the Blagojevich clouds over Burris and more each day, Durbin has to find a Democrat replacement that will be electable, Alexi would be a good likable, credible, electable choice, to make sure this stays a Democratic seat. Also Alexi is good buddies with Obama.

airJackie said...

TGCN I'll knew that name in mine. Thanks for the 411 I'm still waiting on that cat to hear what he suggest. As for me well we've got the Terminator and we're broke. We have no room to talk when it comes to corrupt Law Makers. One thing we have you don't. Our Govenor doesn't wear underwear and runs free looking for women to touch. Dont' worry Maria pays them off not to file charges but it's now getting costly.

Cheney is full of it he didn't do anything to save the Little Soldier. Now for 8 years Cheney ordered Bush the idiot and now we are to believe Bush has a backbone. Who's kidding who? Cheney didn't give a thought about Libby after he fell on the sword. Fitz didn't file all the charges against Libby and he will go to jail. Some Republican loyality as Libby is learning while Cheney sits at home in his wheele chair and drinks his wine Libby will be in a jail cell fighting off the inmates.