Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Yoo and Bolton write NYT Op-Ed: Limit executive authority

Crooks and Liars:

You still can't make up this garbage that appeared in the NY Times.
No one could have predicted this would happen. John Yoo and John Bolton, in the NY Times, discuss the
need to limit executive authority. Up next, David Addington and Dick Cheney write in the Washington Post on the need to reject Unitary Executive theory. I knew these wankers would do this, I just didn’t expect it immediately and so brazenly.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Yo will be prosecuted for his crimes and he's trying to make as much money for his legal fees while Bush is in office. Bolton is just a wing nut who wants people to think he is important but he's insane. Both men have made the History books for bad reasons. Soon they will be just as they started nothing.