Tuesday, January 06, 2009

More on Obama's contraversy pick of the CIA Director.

Feinstein: Obama Called Me To Smooth the Waters Over Panetta Pick

Incoming Senate intel chair Dianne Feinstein tells TPM that Barack Obama and Joe Biden called her after the fact to discuss the Leon Panetta pick for CIA chief, adding that it's unclear whether "a new chapter" can be opened under Panetta.

· Rockefeller None Too Pleased With Panetta
Roberts Backs Panetta ... Feingold Too
Obama Team Did Consult Sen. Wyden
Feinstein Likes Blair For Nat'l Intel Director
Bayh Hedges Bets On Panetta

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I wondered why Diane Feinstein didn't just call Obama but now I understand. Diane's husband has been giving favors with contracts from the CIA. Yes Mr. Blum has made millions as he worked with Wilkes and Fargo the two convicted criminals and of couse Porter Goss just signed what he was told. Now Feinstein wants the Bush assistant back to cover up her husband's illegal contracts. She did the show boating about Panetta because she knows if he finds out he will expose it. By putting the Bush Assistant back in he can hide the information. Diane will get busted as she used her job to get her husband favors from the White House. She is more Republican then a Republican. Rahm Emanuel knows all the corrupt secrets of Feinstein, Pelosi and Reid. Pay for play is over in the Obama/Biden Administration. Feinstein should cut her loses and just resign because she will never get elected again.