Monday, January 05, 2009

Poppy Bush Sr.: Just Google all of my son's failures

Sorry, Poppy, but I don't time to go that. Your son's name and crimes top popularity on The Google.

Crooks and Liars:

In a somewhat understandably soft ball interview with Chris Wallace, former President George H.W. Bush defends what is by most accounts his son's epic failure of a presidency and defers to "the Google" when asked about which things W could be "fairly criticized for."
Bush: He's gonna come home with his head high, knowing he ran a clean operation and he kept this country strong and free after an unprecedented history attack of 9/11. He'll have a lot too be proud of and he can start by his mother and father being very proud of him...and we always will be.
Wallace: You said there earlier there are some things he could fairly be criticized for. Would you like to tell me any of those?
Bush: "No. You can go back to your, what do you call it.... Your Google, and you figure all that out."


PrissyPatriot said...

Proud of him for what? Not showing up completely blitzed for a press conference?? Apparently they don't have very high standards...any normal family would have removed their son from office themselves, saying "he's not well and we've come to take him home"

airJackie said...

The curtain has fallen and now the Bush Family is seen for who they really are. Prescott Bush worked with Hitler and plotted to assassinate FDR. Daddy Bush has his crimes. Jeb gots Florida scandal. GW has US/World scandal and the title of the Worst President of the United States of America. Barbara Bush still thinks blacks are slaves as she said during Katrina Storm.

Look how old Barbara and Daddy Bush have gotten in such a short time. GW looks like he's 80 years old and Daddy Bush can't chase woman as both hips are out and Barbara is so sick because her lady friends don't return her calls and are laughing behind her back. Laura is moving on with her Texas boyfriend and leave the Bush Family to continue to drink and use drugs.