Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Levi Johnston resigns his position after allegations of eligibility of electrical apprenticeship program.


The Anchorage Daily News reports that Levi Johnston, boyfriend of Gov. Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol,
has quit his oil field job over questions about his eligibility to work in an electrical apprenticeship program. On Sunday, Dan Fagan – an Anchorage radio talk show host – questioned how Johnston was eligible to take part in the apprenticeship program without a high school diploma. Fagan wrote:

The governor, in trying to dispel rumors the father of her grandchild is a high school dropout, released this statement this past week, “Levi is continuing his online high school work in addition to working as an electrical apprentice on the North Slope.”

But federal regulations require all members of apprentice programs, union or otherwise, to first obtain a high school diploma, something the governor’s soon-to-be son-in- law does not have. Some apprentice programs even require the completion of high school level algebra or the post-secondary equivalent.

So how is it that the governor’s soon-to-be son-in-law is working in an apprentice program? Is this another case of the governor believing the rules don’t apply to her or her family?

And this. Levi's mother in court yesterday:

Alaska Daily News:

PALMER -- Sherry Johnston pleaded not guilty Monday to six felony counts of possessing and selling OxyContin.

Johnston also asked for and received a public defender, a lawyer paid for by the state. During her first court appearance, the 42-year-old Wasilla woman was alone, with no lawyer or supporters by her side.


airJackie said...

What an example of American Family Values. Now Sarah had to get Levi a job now he lost it. Bristol still waiting in hidding to have her baby so the on lookers wont know Trig is her son. Mrs. Jonnston is lone in court and no money from her drug sales to pay a lawyer. Even Sarah and Todd wont pay her legal fees. What's next for Americans Family Values Poster people.

Anonymous said...

Bristol can support Levi from the sale of the baby's picture that "People" magazine paid her. She got more money since Grandma Johnston got busted for selling drugs and the Palins was slipping from the limelight.
A fine example for all young teens everywhere, you betcha! ;)

KittyBowTie1 said...

Yeah, that kid Levi probably indirectly took a job away from someone who really deserved and earned it.

The cat's computer needs some work so behave yourselves, and no where's the cat questions--the cat's computer is on the fritz and will catch up later.

SP Biloxi said...

Mr. Kitty:

Get to work, pronto on your computer or have Blago get you a new computer.

Some family values from the Palins and Johnstons, eh Anon? Palin can cover all she can on Levi's apprenticeship. Palin made sure that her future son-in-law will take care of Bristol in the custom that she has been living in.

Now that Levi is jobless. How is going to take care of his brand new "son"?