Monday, January 05, 2009

Is Palin fallin as popular politican? You betcha!

Ask conservative Republicans across the country what they think of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and the vast majority of them will begin to gush in cult-like fashion about how wonderful she is. Palin has energized the conservative base unlike anyone since Ronald Reagan. But how is she doing in the state in which she governs?

Some speculate Palin has every intention of running for president four years from now after tasting the national spotlight. She has yet to rule out a race for Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski’s seat two years from now. Murkowski’s seat opens the same time as Palin’s term as Governor ends. Palin may be better positioned to run for president after spending a couple years in the Senate. But how would she do against Murkowski?


Anonymous said...

Now with a lot more news coverage they know what they have for Governor, probably scared quite a few.

airJackie said...

Things aare mounting up on Sarah as she continues to use her job for favors and block investigations. She lost the Troopers and of couse Uncle Ted. Sarah might send her resme to Fox New or SNL.