Sunday, January 04, 2009

Boner: Repubs offered solutions to help create American jobs and get our economy back on track.

Yeah right... lol Yet Congress and Boner got an automatic pay raise this year? I would ask Boner why he didn't pass his "brilliant" plan to help create jobs and get our economy back on track to McCain campaign during the election?

CBS News:
He voiced concern that "Democrats’ emerging proposal may cost taxpayers up to one trillion in new government spending, with little debate or public scrutiny of the still-unseen legislation."

"Let’s be clear," the statement read, "it is essential that this legislation be debated in a fair, open, and honest way. Congress should have public hearings in the appropriate committees, the text of the measure should be made available online for the American people to review for at least one week, and it should be free from special-interest earmarks."

Boehner and House and Senate Republicans will face an expanding Democratic majority in both chambers and a Democratic president.

"Republicans have offered solutions to help create American jobs and get our economy back on track without asking taxpayers to pay for up to one trillion in new government spending, and they merit serious consideration," Boehner stressed. "I am eager to discuss these proposals with the President-elect and our Democratic colleagues next week."


PrissyPatriot said...

Who ARE these Ohioans that elected him?

airJackie said...

When I read this my first thought was taxpayers gave 1 trilon dollars to Iraq without one Republican questioning it as Bush said to the World Iraq didn't have to pay the US back. We gave 900 billion to repair the damage we did in Iraq when we invaded it. Not one thing has been repaired and it reamines as it was. We gave billions of dollars to Israel along with a stock pile of weapons not one person said a word. We gave bribes to people all over the World to keep their mouth shut about how we transported kidnapped people to be tortured. We paid Iraq puppets, tribes men and even paid the families of those we massacred. We have paid for attempted assassinations of other World Leaders Bush/Cheney wanted out. We paid the Media and Journalist to report lies and fake stories such as the Mushroom cloud, WMD's and Iran is making Nukes. Most Americans believe the lies because that's what we do. I loved it when the US/Israel said Syria had Nukes yes an of couse the CIA backed it up with pictures and the famous words believe us. Israel bombed Syria only later we learned Syria never had Nukes nor were they making any. Yes the building that was bombed was a storage center but by mistake Israel also bombed villages with innocent people. All the money about 12 Trillion spent in 8 years and now John Boehner has a plan. To bad he didn't tell Bush or John McCain it could have saved citizens from losing their jobs, homes and life savings. Yes Boehner has a plan to rebuild the US Economy without using taxpayers money, but he hasn't told the plan yet.