Sunday, January 04, 2009

Blowhard News for Sunday morning edition.

Get out your handkerchiefs:
Conservatives fear that some of these Obama transition advisers are too far left on the political spectrum and are a sign of radical policies to come.
"It is disturbing," said Roger Clegg, a conservative opponent of Lee's appointment who is now watching the Obama advisers at the Justice Department. "The transition team as described to me was made up of nothing but people on the far left. Though Obama is more moderate, that makes you wonder what kind of advice the president is given, and what range of choices he'll be given when it comes time to make appointments."

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Let's think fear for a minute. We watched 8 years as the GOP with the direction of Bush/Cheney brought our country to the worse it's been since the Great Depression. Our Mililary is the weakest it's ever been and our troops have no honest Generals. The Media followers orders of the Bush Propaganda Dept. Rats are turning on rats. Madoff has many like him who did the same thing. Greenspan got his money and put it away. No World Leader trust a word the US says. Now all this as the Republicans had control of the Congress and White House. It was those famous blank checks 104th Congress gave Bush/Cheney. Yes people like O'Reilly are crying because the kick back money will stop on Jan. 20th. Fox News doesn't have professional Journalist so they wont get interviews. Sorry Obama/Biden don't give interviews to O'Reilly the nut job, Hannity the bartender, Beck the drunk/druggie or even Tweety the suck up liar.