Thursday, January 08, 2009

Army mistakenly sent letters to family members of fallen soldiers addressing them as ‘John Doe.’



The Army was forced to apologize yesterday after sending approximately 7,000 letters to family members of soldiers killed in Iraq or Afghanistan which mistakenly addressed them as “John Doe.” The letters were sent late last month to inform survivors about private organizations “that offer gifts, programs and other assistance to families that have lost” soldiers. “Army Chief of Staff Gen. George W. Casey, Jr., was sending a personal letter to all the families who received the improperly addressed letters as the result of a printing error, the Army said.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

There was no mistake as the Army has done many things worse and just keeps doing it. There's no leadership as the Generals get extra pay for lying to the soldiers for the White House. Look here's an inside look at our Military. Peaches worked in payroll. She got a vacation for 3 weeks but no one wanted to cover her job so people could get paid on time. The Commander asked several soldiers who all said no. I asked what would happen Peaches said people and contracters wont get paid. After 3 weeks she got back to Korea. She had to stay up 72 hours to get those checks out on time with no help even when the Commander told other soldiers to help. Yes she was given 5 days off for her work but I asked her Commander what would have happen if she didn't return he said he didn't know but the checks would not have gone out. There should never be one person for a job but our Leadership in the Military are lazy and they pass the buck. Funny as Peaches is out of the Military and she often gets calls from friends in Korea who say the place is a mess. So don't think this was a mistake remember Walter Reed Hospital, the Military base with the sicken bathrooms, soldiers died from bad wireing, bad food and water given to soldiers and so much more.