Thursday, January 08, 2009

Specter: Obama did not consult him on nominees.

Key members of the Senate Intelligence Committee complained this week that they had no advance notice of President-elect Barack Obama’s choice to lead the Central Intelligence Agency. Sen. Arlen Specter, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, says Obama was equally tight-lipped with him about nominees for the Department of Justice.

Specter said in prepared remarks Tuesday that Obama did not consult with him before choosing Eric Holder Jr. to be attorney general, and he tells Legal Times that Obama also did not consult with him or notify him before announcing four other Justice Department nominees Monday.

“History demonstrates that presidents who seek the advice of members of the Senate prior to submitting a nomination frequently see their nominees confirmed more quickly and with less controversy than those who do not,” Specter (R-Pa.) said. “A recent example is that of President Clinton who consulted with then-Chairman [Orrin] Hatch prior to nominating Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Justice Stephen Breyer to the Supreme Court. Both nominees were confirmed with minimal controversy.
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1 comment:

airJackie said...

Magic Bullet Specter can't win for losing. He attacks Holder while ignoring Bush and Tossuie. He didn't get notication of the selection of Obama's Cabinet yet neither did he know who Bush was selecting. Specter is afraid he'll get busted for his crimes and he's already low in the polls for re election. The Republican rats are turning on each other.