Monday, October 20, 2008

Retiring hedge fund manager: Idiots made me rich

"May meritocracy be part of a new form of government, which needs to be established," wrote a multimillionaire retiring in his 30s in an open letter to those "stupid enough" to make him rich, which condemns the practices that did so and the system whose injustices he struggled with to get to where he is.

Furthermore, he's leaving the business, content to "sit on the sidelines" and wait to see how the markets play out through the crisis, noting that "sitting and waiting" helped the subprime crash prove profitable.

The entire letter is available to read at the
Financial Times.


airJackie said...

Most of the CEO's and others must be saying the same thing. Now we know who he means for the idiots yes folks it's us the American people. We watched and allowed this to happen and some citizens today still believe the GOP saying Bill Clinton did it. McCain said it was Obama who brought down Fannie/Freddie and yes some people believed that too. As millions lose their retirement and life savings the lies contiue but the truth come out. Let's see what American voters do about it on election day.

KittyBowTie1 said...

This ass has some bad karma headed his way.

If it does not catch up to him and others now, there will be a special place in hell for those who stole from the American people later.