Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Quote of the day; Open thread.

"Every time I've been ahead, I've messed up."--·John McCain

Referring to the near collapse of his campaign in the summer of 2007


airJackie said...

Homer is smarter then McCain and that's sad. McCain is using the tricks of old and they don't work anymore that time has long passed.

Anonymous said...

I heard another analysis on the finacial crisis.
Only 3-4% of the people are in mortgage trouble, i.e. foreclosure, not making at least the last 2 payments. So 96% of the people are making their payments

Analyst say that the free Credit card issuing and the lack of mortgages, and this includes refinancing which people aren't refinancing because they don't have equity because home values are going down are more to blame than bad mortgages.

OK something to think about