Wednesday, October 22, 2008

POGO sent recommendations for good government reforms for Presidential transition teams.

Project On Government Oversight (POGO) sent to the transitions teams for Senators John McCain and Barack Obama in seeking to make the federal government more effective, accountable, open, and honest unlike the last 8 years under the Bush Administration.

If elected, your administration will need to make several reforms. The implementation of the following recommendations will help put the country on the right track to a more effective, accountable, open, and honest government – one that is truly responsive to the needs of its citizens.

PDF Version of Transition Paper

One of recommendations that POGO's request is a transparency in contracting and grant making process to the public:

Problem:The federal contracting and grant-making system is opaque. The government lacks rules to ensure that the contracting and grant-making process is open to the public.

POGO recommends:To restore public faith in federal spending, agencies should announce and promptly publish online all new and existing contracts, grants, and task and delivery orders above $100,000, as well as requests for proposals and solicitations, contract or grant data, award decisions and justifications, audits, and other related reports.

Sounds like the message is sent loud and clear to the OJJDP and OJP. I would suggest that there should be an annual report of all award decisions, audits, and other related reports to be sent to Government Accountability Office and Congress to assure public faith in federal spending.

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