Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama's running mate is .......

Update at 3:15am: This is the new pic just posted on Obama's website as it is now confirmed that Senator Joe Biden has been chosen as Obama's running mate. I just sent a note on Obama's website of a congratulations to Senator Biden as I look forward to hearing more from their politics in the Obama-Biden race for White House. The floor is open for your thoughts.

Update 2: Important update from a text message that I received from the Obama camp: Watch the first Obama-Biden rally live at 3pm ET at


Anonymous said...

good enough.

KittyBowTie1 said...

The cat and Mama were hoping for Hillary as a surprise. Sorry Jackie.

Markie has it--Good enough.

airJackie said...

I love you Mr. Kitty.

I am disappointed in Obama's choice but it is his choice not mine. I keep thinking of how poorly Biden did in the Primary and if that's how he will be supported as VP. We have to now remember Biden wasn't good enough to get the support as President during the Primaries but he could end up President. I wish both men luck but this is a risk the DNC might regret later.

SP Biloxi said...

Good morning/afternoon/evening folks!

Well, we now know who is Obama's running mate. And I know Jackie was pulling for Hillary as Hillary did make history as running against Obama as well as setting the footprint for another woman to follow and become the next future President or VP.

As I often say, someone has to win and someone has to lose. And although there are lot of Hillary supporters that pulled for her in the horserase between Hillary and Obama, the Clintons will play a big major role into shaping this country back economically. And I think the Clintons will be a lot bigger than what they were in the 8 years in the WG. The media who their neative coverage of the Clinton didn't want Hillary but they will play a mjor role into Obama's presidency should he win in November.

Now to Biden:

Biden has 30 + carrer experience and he is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Committee and has been a very outspoken critic of the Bush Administration. That is his plus. The minus is that he voted for the war and he didn't have enough votes in his candidancy run and he talked negatively about Obama. He said that Obama wasn't fit to be President which I know McCain will use that to his advantage. No matter who Obama had chosen, he is oing to need all of the candidates help and strength to restore this country should he becomes President.

We will learn alot more about Obama-Biden in their rally held today. I will try to post the video if available and give my thoughts.