Friday, August 29, 2008

A profound statement from a Obama female supporter about new Veep choice Palin.

By Vegas Today at 3:39 pm EDT (Updated Today at 3:39 pm EDT)

My mom thinks McCain's pick is a joke. Sincerely, I'm not being funny, she really thinks it's a joke. She says she doesn't know who the woman is and doesn't care either. She believes in Obama and Biden and what they stand for. She says she's old enough not to be fooled by what McCain is doing.

We both think that McCain is using Palin as a Trojan Horse. She's a female, but she's a republican. This Trojan Horse is being used to roll up to the White House and once inside, it will open and all the old Bush/Cheyney/McSame policies will come out. Once again, no healthcare, this time, no more Roe v Wade, same support for the rich, the big companies, etc. Nothing for us, again. Nothing.

Palin is just an overblown mayor. And I'd love to see her debate Joe Biden on foreign policy. I believe she went to a school of journalism, so in the event that something happens and she becomes president, what's she going to do with bin Laden and Putin? Interview them and take their picture? I'm not taking this woman seriously. She has 5 kids, bless her, but I think with those kids who are newborns, the down syndrome child, and the 6 year old, I think she should be a mother and stay at home (or have a part time/full time regular job) and raise and take care of her own kids. I don't want this woman representing me. I'm a mom, too, so I can honestly say that. Obama and Biden can devote full attention to our country. They're in it for us, the common people. They want us to have health care and end the war. They want us to succeed. Palin is a female Dick Cheney with ovaries. She's younger than Obama (remember all that talk about "is Obama too young?" and I don't care if she is a "governor" (Lt. Governors have the most experience, because they do all the work), she still has less experience than Obama and Biden. She's an empty pant suit that can't hold a birthday candle to Hillary Clinton. I can't wait until Hillary Clinton rips her a new one. I say, Hillary First! That's our new movement!

A female Dick Cheney with ovaries. LOL! A hilarious comment. On a side note: I saw this comment on Talkleft:

"McCain only met Palin once before selecting her, according to Andrea Mitchell."

And if that is true, then you know why McCain chose Palin.

Finally, one more thing to add that I just found out. From TPM:

I mentioned earlier that Gov. Palin is in the thick of her own very Bush era scandal over her attempts to have her ex-brother-in-law fired as a state trooper, using her clout as governor. Now we've learned she's invoked the Alaska version of executive privilege to withhold emails dealing with the case. Our report on the latest on the case will be coming up shortly.

More of that story will be in Saturday's posting.


airJackie said...

McCain should keep Joe Lieberman on stand by as Gov. Palin might be indicted. Now what's interesting is the citizens of Alaska were bringing impeachment hearing against Palin. McCain doesn't have the support of his State of Arizona and Palin doesn't have the support of her State. Why would anyone want a President that even their State wants to kick them out of office. This was used only for the Hillary supporters one big problem Sarah Palin is no Hillary. She is a beauty queen puppet for the Republican boys club and she love the kick backs for working with big oil companies. Let's see how this turns out.

Anonymous said...

do i have this right??? she knew she pregnant with a down's baby and didn't opt to try a pregnancy again???? oh my.

airJackie said...

Yes Markie she knew and kept the pregnancy going. Now she is to busy to care for the child as she moves up in her career. Most mothers put their sick child first and give them caring attention but Sarah believes it's only necessary to have the child not care for it just pay someone else to do that.

Sarah is now using Hillary speeches to draw in Hillary voters. Yes she now says Hillary paved the way for her to be the VP and woman should vote for her to forefill Hillary work. Only one problem Sarah isn't working for Woman's rights she working for the Oil Companies.

Anonymous said...

Ok, besides, 5 children one of them just a little over a year old, a baby.....

But she wants to drill for oil in Alaska, maybe she knows a lot of people in Alaska that will help get the oil wells going.

Next, she wants to take Polar Bears off the endangered list, so it will be open season on Polar bears. Guess McCain and her won't be running on the conservation/environmentalist ticket.

I was blind sided by this choice, surprise the chatter from the rumor mills was running full till and his name came up dozens of times........but Palin? Totally broad sided with this one. More so since the big GOP base in the Bible Belt, the Nascar fans, the South, the red states, the confedederate flag flying possum shooting bunch is the big GOP base...what do they think?

SP Biloxi said...


Here is something interesting. Palin and McCain only known each other for 6 months. And McCain told Palin that she got the Veep job in 24 hours.

As I said, this will be an interesting race.

Anonymous said...

airjackie, no hillary supporter would opt to vote for mccain because of sarah, knowning that she is such a kind person to bring a genetically defective in to this overpopulated world. not only does the woman have to be a tad deluded, she is mean to her own blood.

Anonymous said...

6 months, picked in last 24 hours......this is getting strange, eerrie if you will.

Something is not adding up, and the GOP party is not throwing big bucks at McSame either.........hmmm

Anonymous said...

i can almost understand rove's brain....he figures many evangelical women just weren't going to vote. sarah's convictions prompt them to reconsider.... ps, i find it interesting that in this cycle, every candidate is on a first name basis.

Anonymous said...

i can almost understand rove's brain....he figures many evangelical women just weren't going to vote. sarah's convictions prompt them to reconsider.... ps, i find it interesting that in this cycle, every candidate is on a first name basis.

Anonymous said...

Markie she really drove the anti abortion home good.

But I bet she is for executions and guns. This way you can kill people other ways, but it is a more GOP acceptable way. Guns in the hands of many and many end up in hunting accidents, with friends and family, Dick Cheney is a fine example of a hunting accident that was almost fatal, but most are fatal. And way too often we hear of guns in homes killing family members.

And really 5 children? Most people who have this many want them, and want to spend time with them, how much time does a Governor have.....much less a Veep?

Anonymous said...

just makes barack a shoe-in come november.

Anonymous said...

Thank God!

McCain did this country a favor by picking her...........we can only hope the old GOP ways of winning cough, cough an election are still not in place

Anonymous said...

I resented Palin comparing herself to Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary (and the 18 million ceiling cracks), she has not earned this right yet, imho. She had to ask what the VP does all day.
McSame seemed impatient when Palin kept tooting her own horn for so long at the conference.