Friday, August 29, 2008

Doocy: Palin knows about foreign policy because Alaska is ‘right next door to Russia’

Someone needs a class in geography...


Discussing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s (R) prospects as Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) running mate this morning on Fox and Friends, Brian Kilmeade said Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) “is going to capitalize” in a debate with Palin because “she has no international relations experience, she’s not the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.” Co-host Steve Doocy then jumped in to try to set the record straight.

DOOCY: But the other thing about her, she does know about international relations because she is right up there in Alaska right next door to Russia

Democratic strategist Bob Beckel astutely noted: “Believe me Steve; it has nothing to do with that.”


airJackie said...

If McCain gets in office you know he wont make it for a month with his serious health issues. Sarah will become President in other words a female Dan Quayle. Now Putin knows with the McCain/Palin ticket it will be very easy to take over the USA. As for the other Foreign Leaders they will ask the VP to show off her bathing suit as she did in the beauty contest. Yes after that the Leaders will go for a smoke and drink and talk business as the US Vice President does her nails.

Anonymous said...

john mccain has been a horndog since age 6. some things don't ever change.