Sunday, August 24, 2008

Blowhard News for Sunday's early edition.

Garbage for early Sunday morning...

Will Joe Scarborough Finally Drop The “Latte Sipping Liberal” Garbage Now?
GOP hack Joe Scarborough hasn’t been on the air for nearly two weeks thanks to the Olympics and a lot has happened in that time. He and the Morning Joe crew will have a lot of ground to cover when they return to the airwaves, but unfortunately for Joe, one of his favorite wingnut memes has been blown to smithereens while he was away — the stereotypical, elitist, latte sipping liberals.

Now that we’ve learned from the LA Times that John McCain ditched reporters and dragged a 9 car motorcade to Starbucks to snag a large cappuccino on Friday, I think it’s time for Joe to let it go. Hell, McCain was probably wearing his $500 Italian loafers at the time (I bet he has more than one pair) and probably had a hard time deciding which home to return to.
National Review Believes MLK Jr. Would Not Vote For Barack Obama
Teh stoopid, it hurts.
By all measures, Martin Luther King Jr. was a true leader. Barack Obama, on the other hand, is just another politician - one who has demonstrated far more regard for the interests of teacher unions than for the children they are paid to serve, far more regard for the pro-abortion lobby than for the future of the black community, and far less good sense than the average person has when it comes to picking a spiritual mentor.
The positions and values of Senator Obama stand mightily against those espoused, and what’s more, practiced, by Martin Luther King Jr. Based on all these considerations, I think it is quite probable that King, were he alive today, would not vote for Barack Obama.
Dick Morris: “We’re in Iraq as a result of a democracy asking for us to come in there.”
Read that headline twice. It might just be the dumbest statement made on television since Bush took office. After accusing Obama of voting to deny armor for the troops, Dick Morris tries to argue that Obama displayed poor judgment during the Georgian/Russian conflict because he pointed out that we would be in a stronger position to condemn Russia if we hadn’t squandered our credibility by invading Iraq. After Colmes reminds him that Obama is right, Morris proceeds to make himself look even dumber by claiming we invaded Iraq at the invitation of Saddam Hussein. Huh?
Morris: You saw by these, these ill prepared reactions on Georgia. And you saw what he said today? Obama said that he understood that countries should not invade other countries and we would be in a better position to say that if we had not gone into Iraq.
Colmes: Where is he wrong?
Morris: Where he’s wrong is that we went into Iraq at the invitation of the government. Not as an invasion.
Colmes: We went to Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein. [….]
Morris: We’re in Iraq now at the invitation of the government.
Colmes: They’ve asked us to leave. They said there’s a timeline to get us out.
Morris: We’re in Iraq as a result of a democracy asking for us to come in there. It’s not an invasion. It’s not a takeover. We’re not trying to annex Iraq.
Colmes: We went in there by our own…of our own. We went into Iraq originally. Not at the invitation of Saddam Hussein’s government.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

The young Lady who wrote the article doesn't look like she was born when Dr. King was alive. Now she could say what he would do if he were with us. Kyle Anne Shiver should try speaking to those who talked with Dr. King or even with Hillary who was lucky enough to ask questions of Dr. King. I remember his speeches and he always said judge the content of a man's character not the color of his skin. Dr.King wasn't involved in Politics he only had to go to President Kennedy to get the Civil Rights Bill passed. He never used his position for any Political candidate. So this lady Kyle Anne Shiver is doing these articles to make money off Dr. Kings name and lying about him.