Sunday, August 24, 2008

Free manuretv Sunday talk show.

Sleeping in on this one. There will be much talk of the Obama-Biden race.

The Chris Matthews Show
Journalists discuss Sen. Barack Obama's choice for vice president and what role the Clintons should have at the convention.

Meet the Press Vice president search: Caroline Kennedy. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco); Gwen Ifill, PBS; Jon Meacham, Newsweek; Chuck Todd.

This Week With George Stephanopoulos Vice presidential picks: Obama supporter David Axelrod; McCain supporter former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani. Panel: Mark Halperin; Donna Brazile; Cokie Roberts; George Will

Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace Politics: Gov. Tim Kaine (D-Va.); Gov. Bill Ritter Jr. (D-Colo.). Obama campaign advisor Robert Gibbs. Democratic convention speech coach Michael Sheehan. Panel: Brit Hume; Mara Liasson; William Kristol; Juan Williams.

Late Edition With Wolf Blitzer Politics: Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.); Gov. Janet Napolitano (D-Ariz.); Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.); Rep. James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.); Terry McAuliffe. Panel: Howard Kurtz; Gloria Borger; Byron Pitts; CBS; Chris Cillizza, the Washington Post; John Dickerson,

Face the Nation Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (D-Kan.); Gov. Edward G. Rendell (D-Pa.); Rep. Jesse L. Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.). Dan Balz, the Washington Post

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