Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Rev.Huck in talks for own Fox show

LOL! Is Huckabuck's new Fox News show will bring this country back to Christ? Pass the collection plate please..
Less than one month after signing on as a Fox News commentator, Mike Huckabee is working aggressively to expand his media presence. This week, Huckabee is meeting with Fox officials about plans to host his own show on the network. Plus, he’s subbing for Paul Harvey on ABC Radio Network and appearing on a number of existing Fox shows.


1 comment:

airJackie said...

Rev. Huck needs a job and using Religion is his way of getting what he wants. As a true Republican that's what they do to trick people and rob their pockets. I still laugh when Rev. Huck said if you saw a floating cross in his ad it was God's work. What shocked me was many people believed him knowing it was a trick. But that showed how easy it is to fool most of the American people and how Bush/Cheney did so well in bringing down the United States.

Rev. Huck likes to kill animals and teach his kids to torture and kill their pets as his son did with torturing and then killing a dog. No wonder Rev. Huck supports the Bush policy of torture on innocent men/woman/children. First you start off killing cats, dogs then move on to killing people as killing is no problem any more.