Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Blowhard News Report for Tuesday.

John McLaughlin Group: Obama “Fits The Stereotype..(Of) An Oreo”
Kudos to
Media Matters, who caught it first:
On the edition of the syndicated program The McLaughlin Group that aired the weekend of July 11-13, while discussing recent
comments made by the Rev. Jesse Jackson about Sen. Barack Obama, host John McLaughlin said: “Question: Does it frost Jackson, Jesse Jackson, that someone like Obama, who fits the stereotype blacks once labeled as an Oreo — a black on the outside, a white on the inside — that an Oreo should be the beneficiary of the long civil rights struggle which Jesse Jackson spent his lifetime fighting for?”

Bolton Claims He Has ‘Always Said’ Striking Iran Is ‘Deeply Unattractive’
On the Friday edition of Hannity and Colmes, Alan Colmes questioned former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton about his “statements over the last few months” advocating that the Bush administration use military force against Iran. Bolton denied having made such statements, replying that “would not be an accurate reflection of my view”:

COLMES: Well, you’ve said — statements over the last few months that either you believe the Bush administration is going to strike or that you would like if there were a first strike against Iran. Would that be an accurate reflection of your view?

BOLTON: No, it would not be an accurate reflection of my view. In fact, I’ve said most recently I don’t think the Bush administration will use force, and I have always said, Alan, always said, that the use of force against Iran’s nuclear program is deeply unattractive.

Payne admits selling access could be ‘perceived to be bribery,’ but insists it’s legal.
According to CNN, longtime associate of President Bush, Stephen Payne, is now admitting that his selling of access to Bush administration officials could be “perceived to be bribery.” Payne still insists, however, that there was no “quid pro quo” for the donations which he solicited. Instead, he said, the Sunday Times is “engaging in ‘gotcha journalism.’”

Fiorina says we must ‘fully fund’ NCLB, forgets McCain voted against full funding.
On NBC’s Meet the Press yesterday, spokeswoman for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) Carly Fiorina said McCain would continue to support the “imperfect” legislation of No Child Left Behind, though she added, “We need to learn the lessons, fix the problems, fully fund it.” However, McCain has repeatedly voted against fully funding the law, according to the National Education Association:
Since 2003, McCain voted repeatedly against fully funding No Child Left Behind, resulting in an unfunded mandate that has continued to further tap local communities and states during an economic downturn.

In June, McCain adviser Douglas Holtz-Eakin declared McCain was “fully supportive of the notion that we ought to fully fund” NCLB. However, on the same day, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution wrote that another adviser, Lisa Graham Keegan, “said McCain believes NCLB is adequately funded.”

McCain spokesperson lies: Katrina and Rita ‘didn’t spill a drop’ of oil.
This afternoon, Nancy Pfotenhauer, senior energy adviser to Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and a lobbyist for Koch Industries, lied to MSNBC’s David Schuster, claiming, “We withstood Hurricanes Rita and Katrina, and we didn’t spill a drop.” She said:
When Senator McCain opposed lifting the ban in the past, it was because there were concerns about environmental capability. Like, could we do this and still maintain a pristine environmental um uh climate and and area around the drilling? And basically, what we’ve seen is the technology has progressed to the point where we could do that. We withstood Hurricanes Rita and Katrina and didn’t spill a drop.

Hardball Panel Tries To Paint Obama As Elitist To Stifle McCain Criticism; Arugula Is The Equivalent Of A $750,000 Shopping Spree
On Friday’s Hardball, Mike Barnicle, filling in for Chris Matthews, talks to his panel of Margaret Carlson, Michelle Bernard and E. Steven Collins about whether either candidate is too elitist or not and actually “gets” what gas prices are doing to the average American.

He and Margaret Carlson do their best to paint Barack Obama and John McCain with the same stripe saying that all senators are just out of touch with America. Margaret Carlson equates Cindy McCain’s
unusually high credit card bills to Michelle Obama shopping for lettuce at Whole Foods. Really, Margaret? Do you really think shopping for arugula–that elitist leafy green, according to the media–is the same as Cindy McCain running up three-quarters of a million dollars in credit card debt? Why doesn’t he just eat a doughnut to prove he’s just like you and me?

That is just flat out obscene on its face. How pathetic to blur the lines between someone who does actually have a sliver spoon in their mouth, and someone who had to come up the hard way and who might have a clue of what it means to be poor, as Michelle Bernard points out. And I don’t think he has to eat doughnuts to prove it. But while we’re at it, Michelle Bernard, isn’t there some middle ground between “elegant” and “angry black man”? I mean, come on.

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