Saturday, July 19, 2008

Open Thread for Saturday.

Very busy weekend folks. In a weekend seminar. Share any news that is happening today. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

GOP Whistleblower names Karl Rove in Ohio 2004 election fraud.

airJackie said...

I just saw the video of Obama in Kabul and he looked like he was taking care of business. My friend Senator Hagel was with him. I am glad Senator Hagel is working with Obama as I see he took my suggestion. We are all suffering no matter what Party you belong to. Even George W. Bush supports Obama for President. Yes the Obama time line Bush is now applying. Makes sense as Bush will need the help of the next President with all the crimes he committed. McCain is seeing he's been used again by the GOP.

Anonymous said...

law enforcement threaten a child at a library computer

I recall hearing about Fitz questioning "a nice-lady librarian" after 9-11. Anyone recall the facts about that story? I was incommunicado, for health reasons.

Celeste Aida

BTW, I've been incommunicado for health reasons, from my favorite blog and I really miss my favorite bloggers!

Anonymous said...


I have been under the weather, but busy-as-a-bee in bed with my Blackberry. The Blackberry is wonderful! It's a phone AND computer, all in the palm of my hand!

I am the Liaison for Chicago's 5th Annual Disability Pride Parade. I wrote and shepherded the following bill through Congress. I've had all the appropriate legislative bodies here in Illinois concur with me and my group's goal. Alas, the U.S.Senate is acting as gate-keeper and has declined to co-sponsor the following bill, designating July 26, as "Disability Pride Day" in commemoration of the simultaneous events of: the next Saturday being both the 18th Anniversay of the signing of the ADA, American's with Disabilities Act AND the 5th annual Disability Pride Parade.

HR 1355 July 26, Disability Pride Day

Disability Pride Parade Website

The Senate's lawyers, acting as gate-keepers, decided to decline making the above resolution, CONCURRENT. The sponsoring Congressman, Danny Davis, was steadfast, and stated that the Resolution made it out of Committee and it will be introduced on the Floor of the House, this week.

My HURDLE, is to come up with an argument for the Senate lawyers on why this Resolution is not like the resolution the Senate shot down last year. It was a resolution naming "Deaf Awareness Month". In its Senate memo, the Senate stated that they have rules prohibiting the naming of a day or month. I have asked the Senate lawyers for a copy of the aforementioned memo, buying me time to think-about and research the latest roadblock.

So Fitzians, Legal Eagles & Justice Bloggers, lend me your ears, and minds. I've given you the scent I want you to follow. Lead me to the winning argument. How can I persuade those Senate Law Pooches of the justice in co-sponsoring HR 1355? My Senator Dick Durbin dropped the ball, just a few days ago and told me Senator Harkin would get the ball rolling again. Senator Harkin turfed the ball to the Senate lawyers who told me the Senate has different rules than the House and the Senate declines to co-sponsor HR 1355.

Okay Senators, what about this bill in the House and the concurrent bill in the Senate naming April, 9-1-1 Awareness Month. If the Senate rules prohibit the NAMING of a DAY or MONTH, why is this Senate Bill okay? S RES 468.

S RES 468

It designates a SPECIFIC MONTH, which according to the Senate lawyers, the Senate is prohibited from doing. The Bill was originally introduced by only Sen. Clinton.

Sen. Clinton's
S RES 468

From this House bill:

H Res 537

I want the Senate lawyers to do a similar thing with my resolution HR 1355 designating July 26th Desability Pride Day and launching a Senate bill titled the "Disability Pride Initiative" that will both embrace the spirit of HR1355 and go beyond HR1355 by encourging the openiing of windows of opportunity for persons with disabilities by promoting the enactment of legislation that enables the inclusion of persons with disabilities through education, inclusion in the workforce and in all aspects of life.


Any input will be appreciated. My deadline is 9AM, Washington, D.C. time, I need this input in a timely manner, before Midnight Sunday, so I can draft the suggested bill language overnight.

Celeste Aida

I miss all of you, {{{{{{Fitz}}}}}, {{{{{FauxFitz}}}}}, {{{{{Biloxi}}}}}, and of course, all my girlfriends - you know who you are!

PrissyPatriot said...

Hi CA, Glad you're back! Hope you are feeling much better:)

Can't help ya much on the wording but I can give some sage advice that's worked for me. Email me when you get a chance.

CA-I "think" the Fitz library story was him arguing with the lady about the Patriot Act (and he was wrong on that one)