Saturday, July 19, 2008

Maliki endorses Obama’s plan for Iraq withdrawal.


Today, Der Spiegel reports that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has endorsed a 16-month timetable for the United States to withdraw from Iraq:

In an interview with Der Spiegel released on Saturday, Maliki said he wanted U.S. troops to withdraw from Iraq as soon as possible.
“U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama talks about 16 months. That, we think, would be the right timeframe for a withdrawal, with the possibility of slight changes.” […]

Asked if he supported Obama’s ideas more than those of John McCain, Republican presidential hopeful, Maliki said he did not want to recommend who people should vote for.

Whoever is thinking about the shorter term is closer to reality. Artificially extending the stay of U.S. troops would cause problems. […]


airJackie said...

SPB, Mr. Kitty, TGCN and Markie
This was no mistake on the part of the White House. The message was made to be release to benefit Obama. Now it's McCain who has no support from his own party. Like the loser McCain is the GOP needs Obama as to say out of jail. McCain sold out Americans and was promised the White House for his support.

Look for more Republicans to switch over to Obama as time goes on. Now even the Press is having trouble dealing with the Maliki endorsement. Poor Tweety, Bill-O, David, Andrea and the rest of the Bush reporters as they to will go down with the sinking ship while Bush and Cheney save themselves. Yes the rats are on their own now and Karl Rove was overseas looking for a place to run. Now the UK is acting like Obama is the next JFK as he comes to visit. Look for other World Leaders to voice their opinions next. Well this will be the first time all the States support one person for President. Cindy McCain didn't do bad with the sale of the beer company. Grandpa McCain will be able to go to a nursing home right after Christmas.

Good news about Iran as they to are making a joke of the Bush Administration. To bad Americans never realize the Bush Administration has been trading with Iran since 2000 and even Halliburton has been in Iran with the oil. Talk about having egg on our faces, as must Americans believed every lie the Bush Administration has told. Even the Media is being seen as reporting the lies and not digging for the truth.

I saw the video of Obama in Kabul and I was so proud of Senator Hagel.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Yeah, the Gerbil would not let Maliki bite the hand that feeds him.

There's no way even the Gerbil will want us in Iraq for the next 100 years. They leave no legacy and Halliburton & Co. will need some place new to go squeeze.