Saturday, July 19, 2008

Obama leads McCain up 24 points in California.

The Brad Blog:

Polling before Labor Day in the presidential race is all but useless, still -- this is amazing:
The latest statewide poll, conducted by the Field organization, shows Democrat Barack Obama extending his lead in the state and now trouncing Republican John McCain by 24 points, 54 percent to 30 percent. In May, Obama’s lead was a smaller 17 points, and in January, an even slighter 7 points.
The Field poll, conducted July 8-14, also demonstrated an enthusiasm gap in California: 51 percent of Obama’s supporters said they were very enthusiastic about him, whereas only 17 percent of McCain’s made the same claim...
[Among] the nonpartisan voters highly coveted by candidates, Obama led 64 percent to 18 percent.
That last number, Obama's 46 point lead among independents, is significant.
This is just a guess but much of the antipathy among independents toward McCain, the self-described "maverick," likely can be traced to his position in favor of drilling off the coast.
It also bodes well for the defeat of Proposition 8, the homophobe lobby's attempt to amend the California Constitution to revoke the right to marry for gay couples.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Look for these points to be in every State come election day. Once the Bush Administration robbed most Americans they woke up and stopped watching American Idol because they didn't have enough money for gas or food and some got the pink slip. No vacztions for the family or having to use the charge card to pay bills is enough for most. I hear people who have just had enough and want change.

I saw the tape of Obama in Kabul with my friend Senator Hagel, sweet.