Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fox Kool-Aid and orange juice mix = Brit Hume.

Crooks and Liars:

Warning! Warning! “Danger,
Will Robinson!” Beware Brit Hume when he gets a bit snippy.
Unfortunately, to many in the industry, his quiet patina masks a nasty streak. “He drips with sarcasm and self-importance,” claims a former senior producer at Larry King Live who dealt with Hume in the past. “He used to be a class act, but he got toxic real fast after drinking too much of the Fox Kool-Aid.” And while Hume is a model of restraint on air (some might call him smug), frequent outbursts behind the scenes have done little to endear him to his younger staffers. “There was one meeting a few years back when he got so pissed off he threw a full carton of orange juice across the room,” says a onetime researcher who is now out of the business altogether. “He can be incredibly snippy and dismissive if you don’t do things his way.”

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