Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Anti-War Protesters Heckle McCain at Hispanic Conference in San Diego.

ABC News' Jennifer Duck Reports: Sen. John McCain addressed a conference of the National Council of La Raza in San Diego a day after his opponent, Sen. Barack Obama appeared before the nation's largest Latino civil rights group.

Less than a minute into his speech protesters shouted repeatedly, “Bring our sons home.”

Watch part of McCain's speech HERE.

McCain was in the middle of a sentence talking about respect for Hispanic heritage when the small protest in the back of the room caused him to stop abruptly and say, “this happens every once in a while.”

After the disruption ceased, McCain went off script saying, “You know my friends, the one thing I say in all of these town hall meetings that I have been having -- hundreds and hundreds across America. The one thing Americans want us to do is stop yelling at each other.”

McCain then attacked Obama for not participating in a town hall discussion at the conference. The McCain campaign offers up town halls weekly to the Obama campaign.

However, the Latino crowd applauded every time the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate’s name was mentioned.

“I know many of you are Democrats -- regrettably -- and many of you would usually vote for the presidential candidate of that party,” McCain said as the crowd erupted in cheers and applause before he could finish his sentence meant to rally Hispanic voters to his campaign.

After the applause died down, McCain continued with a smile, “I know I must work hard to win your votes, but you have always given me a respectful hearing, and I appreciate it.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

What have you done for me lately?
McCain could care less about minorities and forgets about what he's said about Latinos. McCain thinks saying he was wrong about not voting for Dr. King Holiday he forgets he did the same against the Latinos. McCain is from the old school of 1930's where White ruled and were minorities as nothing more then workers. McCain will lie to anyone now for a vote even Bin Laden if he could vote.