Sunday, June 22, 2008

Blowhard News Report for Sunday afternoon edition.

Bolton: Israel Will Attack Iran After U.S. Election But Before Inauguration, Arab States Will Be ‘Delighted’
This morning on Fox News, former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton continued his drumbeat for war against Iran. Adopting Bill Kristol’s argument, Bolton suggested that an attack on Iran depends on who Americans elect as the next President:

I think if they [Israel] are to do anything, the most likely period is after our elections and before the inauguration of the next President. I don’t think they will do anything before our election because they don’t want to affect it. And they’d have to make a judgment whether to go during the remainder of President Bush’s term in office or wait for his successor.

Bolton gamed out the fallout from an attack on Iran. He claimed that Iran’s options to retaliate after being attacked are actually “less broad than people think.” He suggested that Iran would not want to escalate a conflict because 1) it still needs to export oil, 2) it would worry about “an even greater response” from Israel, 3) and it would worry about the U.S.’s response.

Bolton then concluded that Arab states would be excited if the U.S. or Israel attacked Iran:

I don’t think you’d hear the Arab states say this publicly, but they would be delighted if the United States or Israel destroyed the Iranian nuclear weapons capability.

Kristol: Bush Might Bomb Iran If He ‘Thinks Senator Obama’s Going To Win’
On Fox News Sunday this morning, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol said that President Bush is more likely to attack Iran if he believes Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) is going to be elected.

However, “if the president thought John McCain was going to be the next president, he would think it more appropriate to let the next president make that decision than do it on his way out,” Kristol said, reinforcing the fact that McCain is offering a third Bush term on Iran.

“I do wonder with Senator Obama, if President Bush thinks Senator Obama’s going to win, does he somehow think — does he worry that Obama won’t follow through on that policy,” Kristol added. Host Chris Wallace then asked if Kristol was suggesting that Bush might “launch a military strike” before or after the election:

WALLACE: So, you’re suggesting that he might in fact, if Obama’s going to win the election, either before or after the election, launch a military strike?

KRISTOL: I don’t know. I mean, I think he would worry about it. On the other hand, you can’t — it’s hard to make foreign policy based on guesses of election results. I think Israel is worried though. I mean, what is, what signal goes to Ahmadinejad if Obama wins on a platform of unconditional negotiations and with an obvious reluctance to even talk about using military force.
Kristol also suggested that Obama’s election would tempt Saudi Arabia and Egypt to think, “maybe we can use nuclear weapons.”

McCain’s “Unpatriotic” Words Caught On Tape
But, but, but, it’s different from Michelle Obama’s remarks. John McCain just (repeatedly) “slipped up.” Michelle Obama really does hate her country!

McCain: “I didn’t really love America until I was deprived of her company.”


airJackie said...

The nuts are coming out of the woodwork. Now the game plan is bombing Iran if not the US then Israel. All this if Americans vote Obama is voted President. The Saudi Government is loving this it means more money for oil. This is showing the world just how unstable the United States of America is right now. Iran is sitting pretty and knows their are stupid idiots running the United States right now. Pelosi and Reid will go along with what ever Bush says for the right pay off.
When the stuff it's the fan look for the US to call for Bill Clinton/Jimmy Carter's help in this mess.

Anonymous said...

Congress really doesn't realize how much the American People have turned on the neocons and those who war monger...even Israel.
We cannot afford the wars now, the cost of oil shooting up if Iran is attacked and mostly, the cost of human life.
Ahmadinejad already says the market is full of oil and the price trend is "fake and imposed".