Sunday, June 22, 2008

Tom Brokaw to host Meet the Press through Election Day.

I'm glad that it is not Scarborough or Tweety. NBC is doing the right thing by not rushing for replacement for Tim Russert. Tim Russert is irreplacable. There will never be another Tim Russert. But, whomever the replacement is, he or she needs to maintain the formula that Tim created on Meet the Press.


At the end of today’s Meet the Press, Brian Williams announced that Tom Brokaw will be moderating the show through Election Day. In a statement, Brokaw said, “Tim made ‘Meet the Press’ the center of the universe for informative and lively discussions of public affairs, particularly the exciting 2008 campaign for president, and I intend to continue that commitment to our viewers.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I guess the NBC Executives read their email. Tom is about the only person with respect and honesty to fill in for Meet the Press. The other people are GOP suck ups and would destroy the show. Thank goodness Tweety, Andrea and David are true losers and would destroy Meet the Press. Brian will did good today as he let Lindsey Graham sink himself with his answers about John McCain. I expect anything to happen as the GOP sinks lower in the polls in all areas of the upcoming election.