Sunday, May 04, 2008

Tweety Matthews Show: Still Makes Wright An Issue.

Crooks and Liars:

Matthews asks his panel of Andrea Morehead, Kim Genardo and Michael Duffy whether the GOP will continue to make Wright an issue. Listen carefully to their responses, because it absolutely is a microcosm of the media narratives that refuse to be broken. Duffy knows the GOP will use it (duh, look at NC), but John McCain is above it all (gotta love that Media/McSame Man-love). Morehead acknowledges that Barack Obama has tried to separate himself from Wright and focus on his platform, but Genardo just doesn’t think it’s enough.

Duffy: There’s no question they’ll come after him any way they can. And everyone who supports Obama will get a version of this too. They’ll be asked to account for it, they’ll be asked to put some distance between them. McCain himself will probably say something like “I’m not going to make Rev. Wright’s views an issue,” but he’s made it already clear that he disagrees with him, so I think you can expect the entire Republican establishment to make this issue #1—unless something better comes along.

Matthews: Can a brilliant politician – Barack included, perhaps, perhaps – turn this around? Can he show that he’s different? So different from the Rev. Wright that he should be elected President?

Morehead: I think he’s already shown that. He’s already said before that he does not believe what Wright said, he was at church—was not at church that day. But obviously, he’s someone who says, “I want to bring the country together, let’s get beyond this issue of being divisive. Let’s talk about what we have more in common than what we have in terms of our differences,”

So I think he’s going to be able to use this as a way to bring the country together, as opposed to using this as a division the Republicans and McCain are trying to use this for.

Matthews: Does everyone agree with that? That he can turn this around or he’s just going to have to cut his losses?

Genardo: I don’t. I interviewed him the other day and I don’t think he distanced himself far enough from his pastor, actually telling me all the great things he had done on the South Side of Chicago. Rev. Wright, that is. I don’t know, politically, you’d think he’d have to come out and really condemn his remarks and I know we already got him—got rid of him on his faith and values team, but is that enough? I don’t think so.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Most of Wrights comments are coming as headline news. Yes we bombed a hospital full of six people not one terrorist. We lied about Yemen and the men were set free. We lied about Mr. Hicks who was innocent and served 5 years with torture/medicated in Gitmo. We lied about so much it's hard to fine the truth anymore. Wright was correct when he said how many Americans prayed for the 1 million Japanese men/woman/children we used the Atom Bomb to kill. Not a world about the 51 bombs we used on Iraq innocent men/woman/children while only hitting our mark 6 times. Yes thousands of Iraq family sleep while the US accidentally bombed then in their sleep. No one tear for the 12 soldiers killed by electrical shock while taking a shower which was caused by the US contractor poor work. How can God Bless America when we are working for Satan? Yes Rev. Wright was correct as we excuse our criminal actions and act like it never happen but we're quick to point out others crimes.