Sunday, May 04, 2008

Contractors Still Electrocuting Troops.

Very disturbing...


The Pentagon has provided $30 billion in contracts to KBR during the Iraq War. Apparently that’s just the Basic Troop Support Package, however, because it’s not enough money to keep the contractor from electrocuting a dozen troops in showers and elsewhere throughout Iraq and Afghanistan. [..]

The New York Times piece goes on to explain:

The Army has provided little detailed information about the electrocutions, other than to say late Friday that 10 soldiers had been electrocuted in Iraq. A House committee has also reported that two marines died similarly.

One former KBR electrician was quite frank about what’s going on:

And Mr. Bliss, who saw a soldier standing next to him in Qalat, Afghanistan, receive a severe shock from an electrical box that was not supposed to be charged, said his KBR bosses mocked him for raising safety issues. They were “not giving the Army what it needed,” he said, “and not giving the soldiers what they deserved.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Americans wont see any problems with this as the deaths will be blamed on Al Qaeda. Only God knows how many soldiers really died by the so called enemy. We know Pat Tillman was murdered by the USA. But I notice to that Americans don't seem to have a problem with that but are more concerned about Britney's actions and getting Paris out of jail. Even as soldiers speak up Americans turn a death ear to their concerns and cries. But if you don't have that car ribbon of support our troops or the flag pin on all hell breaks out. Americans don't mind sending soldiers back to Iraq/Afghanistan on 7.8.9 tours to die but just don't open the draft. As 5 deferment hide behind his wife not to serve Dick Cheney says these soldiers volunteered so we can keep them going into the Iraq Civil War until they die.