Friday, May 02, 2008

SPB News for Friday.

Bush to throw $770m at food crisis

Silver Star earner axed from unit

GOP Rep. Arrested for Drunk Driving

From The Washington Post:
Rep. Vito J. Fossella (R-N.Y.) was arrested overnight in Alexandria and charged with driving while intoxicated, court records showed today.

Fossella is scheduled to appear in Alexandria General District Court on May 12 for an advisement hearing, the records said.

Iraq has most unsolved journalists' murders-CPJ Iraq has the worst record for failing to solve murders of journalists, a journalism watchdog said on Wednesday. There are 79 cases of unsolved [Blackwater's] murders of journalists in Iraq and most of them had been targeted because of their work, not caught in crossfire, the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said in a report released at the United Nations.

US Cites New Evidence of Iranian Support for Taliban The Pentagon said Wednesday Iran is continuing to provide weapons and other material to Taliban 'insurgents' in Afghanistan, in addition to its alleged continuing support for Shiite militias in Iraq.

Judge orders White House to resolve e-mail backup 'ambiguity' --Court finds that flash drives, .PST files may hold clues to find missing e-mails A federal judge has told the White House to answer "once and for all" whether backup tapes holding e-mail documents sought by a Washington-based watchdog group have been preserved. In the order, District Court Judge John M. Facciola said that the Executive Office of the President must tell the court by May 5 whether any backup tapes created from March to October 2003 have been preserved. Further, the government must disclose the specific dates when e-mail messages were not backed up.

State lawyer nailed for no-show job James A.P. McCarthy, an attorney and former counsel to Gov. George E. Pataki (R), was spending time at a posh country club and working at his Albany law firm while billing the state for thousands of dollars in salary for a no-show patronage job at the Department of Correctional Services, according to a report released today by the state Inspector General.

S. Fla. stuck with $3 billion sewage bill South Florida counties must eventually stop pumping hundreds of millions of gallons of sewage every day into the ocean, under a bill the Legislature passed Wednesday that also sticks the counties with the $3 billion cost.

Barbara Walters reveals past affair with US senator


Anonymous said...

Bush wants to help world hunger.....what about the food pantries in this country that donations are way down and demand is way up?

If he wants to do something for the food crisis, buy American non Perishable foods, ship it to where he wants to donate food, this way you know the money went for food, it also went back to people in this country (farmers, manufacturers, you know all the people struggling to keep a job) this way the jobs and money are also helped.

Barbara Walters, no surprise and no surprise with a married Politician.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Geez, it's not like the lady medic was shooting at Taliban. At least the jerks running things didn't court martial her--payback by the American people for that would have been a bitch.

That medic certainly deserved that medal.