Saturday, May 03, 2008

A point well taken.

Heckuva Job, Palfrey Prosecutors

Ken Silverstein

May 2, 2008
So, the trial of Deborah Palfrey ends with her apparent suicide, the public outing and humiliation of a number of the women who worked for her, and her company’s list of (male) clients almost entirely suppressed. If you missed it at the time, go back and read Dana Milbanks’s article on the trial from last month, entitled, appropriately, “The D.C. Madam Case, All Sordid Out.”
On a side note: Speaking of Ken Silverstein at Harper Magazine, in December 2007, I received this piece of email cc to me regarding an article that Mr. Silverstein written in April 2006 in which someone who called his office who claimed to work at Pamela Martin & Associates [Jeane's company]. The email was dated December 11, 2007 from Jeane's former attorney Montgomery Blair Sibley:
"I spoke to Ken Silverstein at Harper's Magazine this morning. He wrote an article entitled " Red Lights On Capital Hill" in April 2006. I was hoping to get from him his sources regarding the FBI's investigation of Shillington Limo. He indicated he would be breaching journalistic ethics to do so, but would contact those sources to see if they would be interested in speaking with me. Additionally, he provided the below link which related to a woman calling his office and indicating that she worked for Pamela Martin & Ass. and could connect her work with Shillington. Maddeningly, the secretary lost her call back number."
The link that Mr. Silverstein sent to Mr. Sibley was:
Of course, we still didn't know the source, nor the woman's identity or whether she worked for Pamela Martin. Shillington was mispelled on the email message. The correct spelling was supposed to be Shirlington [as in Shirlington Limousine & Transportation Co.]. As you recall, Shirlington Limousine & Transportation Co. was connected to Duke Cunningham scandal. Shirlington founder Christopher Baker won gov't contract with the help of a letter of recommendation from Cunningham. The FBI was investigating whether Shirlington provided prostitutes to Cunningham or other legislators while chauffeuring Brent Wilkes.Wilkes as you know provided prostitutes for Cunningham as part of bribes in exchange for gov't contracts.
Jeane's death leaves an open door of questions in the connection and case of the Cunningham/Hookergate scandal.


Anonymous said...

Phone number lost(blamed) on secretary. Hmm, lots of losses during this past WH Administration, lost emails, lost jobs, lost good foreign relations.......ok the list goes on and on. But loosing your memory and things are quite common.

airJackie said...

Jean might be gone but her information will rock the Republican party to it's knees. We must remember Jean was a paralegal with some knowledge of the legal system and how it works. The Media and DOJ might think with Jean death it's over but me thinks she has a big surprise coming that these idiots didn't see coming. Jean knew by death the Prosecutors might have won the fixed case but not the War. Many before Jean have destroyed criminals who thought they got away yes even from the grave. There was a reason the DOJ fought so hard with the Courts help to disgrace and charge false charges against Jean. It was clear with the tainted Grand Jury how desperate these guys were.
To prove my point:
The public never knew about JFK's many affairs until he was dead.
FDR was a hero but after his death we learned he knew of the Japanese attack long before it happen but did nothing.
Bobby Kennedy and JFK both had affairs with Marilyn
US/hired Cubans killed JFK
Deep Throat ID known
Bin Laden hired by Dick Cheney

In time God clears the way for the truth to come out the only question in Jean's case is when? Her information could change the face of the 2009 US election.