Saturday, May 03, 2008

Open Thread for Saturday.

On a side note: here was the results of last weeks poll. Last week's poll had asked:
The International Atomic Energy Agency say it will investigate US allegations of nuclear cooperation between North Korea and Syria. Who do you trust on this issue?

An overwhelming answer: neither U.S. or Syria or both. This week's poll is now up.


Anonymous said...

one would think that syria's silence on the the attack at the time, is indicative of something.

airJackie said...

Why would Syria or any other country tell the truth about anything when the US has been lying for 7 years. The Bush Administration openly lied to the United Nations about Iraq and again about Syria. Can you name one honest thing the Bush Administration as said it 7 years. Let's start with Mission Accomplished. Remember the Boy who Cried Wolf aka Bush. So many lies and the one time you tell the truth nobody believes you. We were told Iraq had WMD, Mushroom cloud and we might be attacked with 15 minutes. Findings No WMD, Mushroom Cloud nor did that country ever want to attack the USA. Bush said we'd get cheap oil once to invaded Iraq, then he would ask his best friend the Saudi King to lower the price of oil as we see those were lies with gas prices over 4 dollars a gallon. Like or dislike Syria, who would you believe.

Anonymous said...

all i'm saying is that: the lack of outrage by syria, a sovereign nation, after having her sovereignty assaulted, speaks volumns. futhermore, just because most americans were suckered in to a war on iraq, doesn't preclude the possibility that israel has solid intel.

airJackie said...

Good point Markie I understand your point. But with the Middle East culture and their act of patience it makes sense they would not react quickly or as expected. The Big Business and GOP had worked hard on their plan to get control of Saddam's oil. As I read about the history of the relationship between Daddy Bush/Saudi King and how the King gave Baby Bush money for oil fields that bombed. Never asking for a repayment of lost money. Then suggesting Daddy Bush put his son in as Governor of Texas.
Markie the Saudi's worked slow and long to get to his point. Now it's pay day for them.
When the WTC was bombed the US acted quickly and we made mistakes. Isreal knows that wasn't a Nuke sight it was bombed to draw the Syria until attacking. Something is done in the Gulf with Iran. Each country is trying to draw out the other to attack. If the Syria was to attack Isreal the US would help and now Isreal could release the Nukes the US gave them. Syria knows how to play the game and wait until it's the right time and/or used this illegal attack against Isreal. It was a building that was bombed no people lost their live. If you saw the pictures the US showed you would see the walls weren't thick enough for a Nuclear building. The photo's were fake like the ones shown about Iraq to the UN. Every experts in the field of Nuclear buildings are thick and must be thick to protection.

Now it's much easier to think that Syria should act or react like the US but that will never happen. Right now the Middle East is living large and doing very well so they don't have to worry. As Russia said about Iran. If the US attacks Iran for no reason Russia will help Iran. Let's just say Nuclear War comes to mine.