Sunday, May 04, 2008

Pentagon may deploy 7,000 troops to Afghanistan.


The New York Times reports that the Pentagon is “considering sending as many as 7,000 more American troops to Afghanistan next year to make up for a shortfall in contributions from NATO allies.” One official referred to it as the “re-Americanization” of the war:

They said the step would push the number of American forces there to roughly 40,000, the highest level since the war began more than six years ago, and would require at least a modest reduction in troops from Iraq.

The planning began in recent weeks, reflecting a growing resignation to the fact that NATO is unable or unwilling to contribute more troops despite public pledges of an intensified effort in Afghanistan from the presidents and prime ministers who attended an alliance summit meeting in Bucharest, Romania, last month.

In February, when lobbying NATO countries to pledge more forces to Afghanistan, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates observed, “Many of them, I think, have a problem with our involvement in Iraq and project that to Afghanistan.”


PrissyPatriot said...

Gates, another official who could care less about soldiers, their families or his country. He'd rather be on his knees doing the bidding of Bush. Sickening...

airJackie said...

As some of the Captains have told me they have no support from the Generals or the Pentagon. Now I have read so many comments about the disservice done of our Military yet I never hear people say what our soldiers have to say. Who better to know that problems then the soldiers themselves. I hear from soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and the stories are horrible yet all Americans have to say is Support our Troops, where a flag pin and blame who ever. We have so many Generals who are in the back pocket of the White House and the only people the troops have is their families and friends. No matter who gets the top job as a Bush appointee nothing will change. Now don't look for any bloggers to join the Military and be one of the 7,000. The Pentagon will continue to send the same soldiers to 7, 8, 9 tours until they get killed. Just don't open the draft as Americans aren't that supportive of the so called War on Terror.