Sunday, May 04, 2008

SPB News for Sunday.

Is this man John McCain's worst nightmare? — Bob Barr, former GOP congressman from Georgia, is an all-but-announced presidential candidate - as a Libertarian. — The possibility of a run by Barr has sent shudders through the mainstream of the Republican party.

Probe of USS Cole Bombing Unravels 'In a hearing at Guantanamo last year, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri said he confessed to masterminding the Cole attack only because he had been tortured.' Almost eight years after al-Qaeda nearly sank the USS Cole with an explosives-stuffed motorboat, killing 17 sailors, all the defendants convicted in the attack have escaped from prison or been freed by Yemeni officials. Khaled al-Anesi, an attorney for some of the Cole defendants, said... he is still mystified by the government's subsequent handling of the case. "There's something that doesn't smell right," he said. "It was all very strange. After these people were convicted in unfair trials, all of a sudden it was announced that they had escaped. And then the government announced they had surrendered, but we still don't know how they escaped or if they had help."

The Pentagon's $1 Trillion Problem -- Since 2004, the Pentagon has spent roughly $16 billion annually to maintain and modernize the military's business systems, but most are as unreliable as ever--even as the surge in defense spending is creating more room for error. The basic defense budget for 2007 was $439.3 billion, up 48 percent from 2001, excluding the vast additional sums appropriated for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan... For the first three quarters of 2007, $1.1 trillion in Army accounting entries hadn't been properly reviewed and substantiated, according to the Department of Defense's inspector general. In 2006, $258.2 billion of recorded withdrawals and payments from the Army's main account were unsupported... Without an audit, anecdotal evidence suggests, contractor fraud is likely to go undetected for years.

US Bombs Iraq Hospital The US Air Force bombed a hospital in Sadr City district in the capital, wounding about twenty people, among them women and children. At 10:00 local hour, several missiles were launched by the occupation troops against the health facility, one of the three biggest of that locality. They also destroyed the building and considerably damaged 17 ambulances, said witnesses and medical sources of the attack, confirmed by a spokesman of US Army.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Well, here's the Cole story . . .

Great minds think alike.


airJackie said...

Mr. Bob Barr for President. Let's hope his pass doesn't come to print. Yes he was famous for the Clinton Impeachment until along came Larry Flynt. Yes it seems Christan Religious Values Barr supported his wife in having an abortion while pushing laws to prevent it. Then it's that secret affair he was having while married. Yes Baby Barr is a true player. He had a mistress while married and divorced his wife and married the mistress. Let's hope he doesn't run on Christian Family Moral/Values.

What a proud moment for Americans to know the US has bombed an Iraq hospital with woman/children. Yes we hold ourselves higher then others while killing sick/injured woman/children. We call the terrorist acts inhumane and even say Saddam is out right evil. While the US just keeps killing and raping Iraq woman/children. Oh that's right we don't talk about that we only talk about winning the hearts and mines of the Iraq people. We pass out candy to the kids and pick one or two people to get US Medial care and post it on TV for the American people to feel good about themselves. Now the count grew on how many innocent Iraq men/woman/children we have killed it's getting close to 1 million. We just might beat our own killing record that we made in Japan.

KittyBowTie1 said...

"Yes Baby Barr is a true player. He had a mistress while married and divorced his wife and married the mistress. Let's hope he doesn't run on Christian Family Moral/Values."

This dude is qualified to run as a Republican with that kind of background.

SP Biloxi said...

And I am sure Larry Flynt will have his bomb sniffing investigators to remind Barr of his "sins." ;-)