Sunday, May 04, 2008

Appeals court denies Yeah Baby Wilkes' bid to leave jail

Brent is totally hosed... Broke and hosed...

A federal appeals court denied the bid of former defense contractor Brent Wilkes to get out of prison immediately, but left the door open for him to try again.
The order by a panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is the latest turn in Wilkes' monthlong effort to pull together enough bond money to be free.

The court had ruled March 27 that Wilkes was entitled to bail pending his appeal of his bribery, fraud and conspiracy convictions stemming from the Randy “Duke” Cunningham scandal. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison by U.S. District Court Judge Larry Burns.

But Wilkes has been unable to gather $1.4 million in collateral to secure a $2 million bond Burns set. After failing to persuade the judge, he went to the appeals court last week.

The order issued Thursday said Wilkes can seek a new hearing in front of Burns. The appeals court said Burns can count some retirement money pledged by Wilkes' family members as well as the value of a Chula Vista property in considering a bond package.

Previously, the judge said he would not consider those two items. Prosecutors objected to the Chula Vista property and said retirement accounts can't be counted for bail. –G.M.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Who is going to have the KFC fund-raising dinner to get Wilkes out of jail?

Someone is probably going to throw him under the bus during the trial anyway--he may as well stay put.

airJackie said...

It's time to call in those big name friends or sing like a bird. now Wilkes can't get to his off shore money but maybe Porter Gross can mail him the money from Canada. There are so many criminals in this Administration it's hard to keep track. Look out for garbage bags full of money.

SP Biloxi said...

Memo to Kittybowtie: Wilkes' trial had been over. Wilkes was trying to keep out of prison while he is appealing his case. Wilkes has no money. Wilkes better hope that the prosecutors don't add additional charges to him in Dusty Foggo's case which the trial is set for the beginning of October 2008.

"Who is going to have the KFC fund-raising dinner to get Wilkes out of jail?"

Are you going to volunteer your services, Kittybowtie?