Saturday, April 05, 2008

Who’s done more on global warming, Gore or McCain?

LOL! And is the Maverick's Nobel Peace Prize?


As high profile leaders in the Republican Party go, John McCain deserves some credit for believing that the earth really is warming, and that climate change is real. When it comes to environmental policy, McCain’s votes are pretty unreliable, and his plans to address climate change are sad and thin, but at an absolute minimum, he is willing to admit, publicly, that the scientific data is accurate and cause for concern. In the GOP, this is progress.

But for Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) to compare McCain favorably to Al Gore just makes him look ridiculous.

“Climate change is the road less traveled but he’s traveled it even more than Al Gore,” Graham said. “Al Gore has talked about it and deserves great recognition but he was around here a long time and never introduced a bill.”

Let me get this straight. Al Gore has done less than John McCain when it comes to climate change? That’s the new argument from one of McCain’s top campaign surrogates?

It’s bad enough to hear Joe Lieberman argue that McCain knows what he’s talking about on Iraq, but Graham is just making a fool out of himself here.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Easy answer. Bush has been saying there is no Global Warming for 7 years and continued to allow the Big Business to destroy the earth. Along comes Al Gore with proof and the help of God to prove to the World were are in serious trouble. Then comes the Nobel Peace Prize and the Oscar. Well now Bush and McCain say they should have been given the awards. Is everyone in the United States drinking koolaid? McCain can't remember who's in Iraq, anything about Israel and flip flops on every issue. He announces he knows nothing about Economics as the US goes into a recession. Now McCain took an hour course in Economic and he has a plan. Bush leaves the Summit meeting because he was ordered by his two best friends Mr. Jack Daniels and Mr. Weed to leave because it was time to play.