Saturday, April 05, 2008

O’Reilly Disgusted By Transgender Couple.


The media have been fixated on the story of Thomas Beatie, a man who “used to be a woman before undergoing gender reassignment surgery.” Beatie married a woman and is now six months pregnant.

Yesterday on Fox News, Bill O’Reilly — clearly disgusted — railed against the media’s coverage of Beatie, exclaiming, “[D]o you want a 13-year-old watching this kind of stuff and you’ve got to explain all this crazy stuff?” From his exchange with right-wing pundit Bernard Goldberg:

O’REILLY: Yes. It’s hard to keep track, Bernie. It is. Imagine a poor kid getting born into that family, going, hey –
GOLDBERG: That’s — that’s the real tragedy.
O’REILLY: Of course.


airJackie said...

BillO had no problem sexually harassing a Fox employee. Now here's a man who writes a children's book while telling a woman what he wanted to do to her. A married man like BillO hitting on a young scared woman even threatening her. I wonder what BillO thought of the few sexual explicit comments he made to the young lady when they were aired on the news. Oh my BillO has to use the 5 cent prostitutes because he can't afford anything more then that, now that his salary is cut with the legal settle.

KittyBowTie1 said...

In the past, we had these places that were kind of dirty, and the food was not very tasty. That is where people like Billo got sent, the asylum. Now, the media gives them their own TV show.