Sunday, April 06, 2008

Vampire Kristol: All Americans Should Be Proud Of Gen. Petraeus!

Crooks and Liars:

Neocon William “the Bloody” Kristol has been wrong about nearly everything concerning Iraq since before the 2003 invasion, yet he still manages to proudly sit on the FOXNews panel with that silly smirk on his face, touting the same, fact-free rhetoric. This morning on Fox News Sunday, Kristol once again sings the praises of Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker on the amazing success of the Bush/McCain surge and how they’ve done an exemplary job of turning things around in Iraq.

Juan Williams points out that Petraeus is seen as a mouthpiece for the Bush administration and what he and Crocker have really done is help to bring the level of violence down to 2005 levels and that any gains that have been made by the surge are fragile at best — which is not exactly seen as a triumph by the American people. As expected, Billy-boy takes exception to this and he scolds Williams for daring to speak ill of General Petraeus:

“You don’t think it’s been an exemplary and admirable act of generalship? I mean, leave aside the administration, aren’t you proud of what Petraeus and Odierno and Crocker have done over the last year and a half in Iraq?”
[cross talk]

“Shouldn’t - seriously, I’m serious about this- shouldn’t all Americans be proud that?”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Vampire still has a job? Gen. Petraeus has been lying for so long I don't think he would know the truth if it kicked him in his face. Right now the safest part of Iraq called the Green Zone has just lost 3 US soldiers. Now Gen. Petraeus will ask the White House how to spin this story or just leave it out of the news.