Sunday, April 06, 2008

FNS: McCain Thinks He’s Energized Young Voters

Crooks and Liars:

Senator John McCain appeared on this morning’s Fox News Sunday and as is common with the aging GOP presidential candidate, he has a hard time grasping reality and dealing with pesky details. McCain rightly states that the Democratic presidential candidates have energized younger voters — and he honestly believes he has as well. How is he pulling this off? He appeared on David Letterman:

“…It’s pretty clear that Senator Obama and Senator Clinton have energized the younger voters and I believe I have and I believe I’ve got to compete on that grounds too. That’s why I go on shows that young people watch, so I’m not sure that the old red state, blue state scenario that prevailed for the last several elections really works.”

Yes, Grandpa McWar sure has fired up the kids, hasn’t he? This conversation started with Wallace handing McCain voting maps put together by none other than Karl Rove, (who is now officially advising the McCain campaign while on the Fox payroll, a fact they still haven’t publicly admitted) citing un-sourced polling data showing many traditionally blue states being in play this year for the GOP. McCain even believes that California could go his way this year and says high Hispanic and African American turnout could work to his benefit. WTF?

1 comment:

airJackie said...

McCain better energize himself first. Most young Voters think McCain is much older then 71 years old. More like a Great GrandFather type. Can't blame the kids as McCain still thinks it's 1960. His story about his POW days change like the wind, but his fellow soldiers say he was a sell out.